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Showing posts from June, 2011

From Desk To Pocket: A major shift in computing

The computing world is by far one of the fastest shifting industries in the entire planet. It seems as if every two or three years, technology makes another giant leap forward in terms of speed, functionality and compatibility. One of the greatest changes in the computer world which has since dominated the lives of many Americans and human beings is the shift from the desk to the pocket. Mobile computing, once a hilarious idea inconceivable due to cost and build factor, is now more than real- it's amazing. Mobile computing, in all truth, began with the popularity of the cellular phone in the mid nineties and expanded with the release of the iPhone in 2007. You can be an Apple fanboy or an Anti-Apple PC person or even a regular dude in a coffee shop, and you'd know that this is cold hard fact. Before the iPhone, smartphones weren't exactly powerful and were only a business man's toy. Ever since the iPhone however, everybody can find a use for a smartphone, even your g...

A Blast From The Past: The Half-Life Series Review

This week, instead of reviewing something new or going too far back in the past to review an old favorite, I’d like to take everybody back to a simpler time. Back to when the internet was still blossoming, when Clinton was still president and there wasn’t a war on terror yet. Seinfeld was making an exit, and blah blah blah… you’ve heard this before. Today, I’m going to talk about the Half-Life series. “Max, why would you EVER want to do that? There hasn’t been an update to the game since 2007, and even so, most people are aware of the series.” Well, my imaginary critic, that’s simply not the case. Over the past month, I’ve been talking to my close friends and relatives who have played games like Doom, Quake, Halo and Call of Duty. Some of them were even familiar with Wolfenstein 3D or Marathon. Oddly enough though, none of them have ever HEARD of Half-Life besides in biology or chemistry class. So, to answer your not yet existing question, there is a good reason why I decided to do thi...